Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Week 56 - Fun at the Zoo & New Companion

Fun at the Zoo

Hey Family!

This week has been a full ride, no time to sit or sleep or do anything which is GREAT! I love it that way and wouldn't want it ANY other way!

Elder Mejía finished his mission on Friday so I stayed with Elder Duran and Elder Flores for a few days. We had a devotional on Friday night and it was great! We say the two new videos for the "A Savior is Born" initiative of the church and we were edified by the testimonies of 4 recent converts from our stake and that was just absolutely beautiful!

Trip to the Zoo as Elder Mejia's last "hurrah" before going home
I got to work a little in my ward when I had some members to accompany me and that was also a great experience! On Sunday I could only go to sacrament meeting in my ward then I had to go with the other Elders and then we enjoyed the First Presidency´s Christmas Devotional in the Stake Center!

Monday I stayed with Elder Snoozy whose companion was going to train so when the new Elder arrived I was able to stay with him in my area Monday afternoon.

Tuesday morning I received my new companion!! He is ELDER GALLARDO!! Elder Gallardo is from Monterrey and has two transfers left in his mission so this will most likely be his last area! He is hard worker and very obedient so I have already enjoyed our time together a lot. He speaks PERFECT English so that is the best. He is also an incredible artist, I´ll be sending pictures of some of his drawings later on!

Today we went to the Zoo with the Assistants and the Secretaries and that was SO cool! I mean not that cool...but I haven´t seen animals except dogs and chickens and cats and birds for many moons. I was very excited. I saw the deer and I was just SO excited! I have never been so excited to see a deer! 

Mexico City Temple at Sunset
We are working hard with a lot of great people so pray for Estela and Dana that they can make the decision to be baptized really soon! Also Amalya, she needs to feel the desire to be baptized because she is already ready! We are excited to get things going here in the Zone we got some really good new missionaries here! The Assistants got moved from the Zone they have been in for some years now to the Aragon ward of our stake that is just across the street from us so this zone is gonna be contacting a lot of people these next few months! Excited for the changes, that always keeps us going as missionaries! 

Love you all, stay faithful and stay strong! Make good choices and don´t forget the goal that we all have which is to return to our Father in Heaven. If that is our first priority, everything else will either fit in perfectly to our lives or fall out completely! I testify of that because I have seen that!


Elder Davies

PS Enjoy the pictures of us at the Zoo and this awesome picture I got of the sunset behind the temple!

More fun at the zoo
Zoo Fun
Selfie at the Zoo
Transfer pictures
Mexico City Zoo

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