Thursday, June 9, 2016

Week 82 - Sabbath Day Obervance, A Blessing and Two Jobs

Quierdos Amigos y Familiares,

Happy Monday! It has been a wonderful week with some wonderful experiences! I'll share one with you.

Aaron was baptized on the 15th of May and the day after he lost his job. He was looking and looking and looking, traveling large distances and many times on foot. One day we saw him after he had walked back from the other side of the city (3 hours) and hadn't found anything. I gave him a blessing about a week and a half after his baptism and felt I should promise him that he would have two jobs presented to him and that one would require him to work on Sunday. I also promised him that if he rejected the Sunday job he would be blessed with the other job. He called us the day after because he had found a job and it was only from Monday to Friday! We were all very excited, even though I found it strange remembering the promise made in the blessing.

Two days later when we went to see him he told us he felt very confused because his job was from Monday to Friday but his boss had asked him to work Saturday and Sunday JUST that weekend. That was the last weekend of May, Stake Conference with Elder Valenzuela. We talked to him about the importance of the day of rest and he made it clear he wasn't expecting to work. He had already told his boss he wasn´t going to work on Sunday and his boss said to really think about it because if he wasn't willing to work he might as well keep on looking for another job. On Saturday he texted us and said just finished work, the job search continues. 

On Sunday morning we went with him to the Stake conference and it was a wonderful experience. Throughout this whole situation he kept a sure faith that everything was going to be okay. During this process he had no money to pay child support to his children which had created even MORE problems. Well, just as promised, this week Aaron found work! He was walking just a few blocks from his home and someone asked him where he was going. He said to look for work and the man told him to "look no more!" Turns out he knew the man and he hired him and has been working during the week! After searching all around the city, the Lord had a job prepared for him just a couple minutes from his house.

I know that the Lord is able to fulfill His promises. I know that if we keep the commandments, even (or better said, ESPECIALLY) when the outcome looks tough, the blessings are wonderful.

Some of you may have seen a post I made on FaceBook today about marriage and family. The Mexican legislators are considering changes to the constitution which would allow homosexual marriage nation-wide. This implies future difficulty and persecution for those who stand for marriage between a man and a woman. I know that marriage is ordained of God. The laws of man can and will change, but God will not. I invite you all to help us by adding your voice to a petition to protect our rights and have our views heard here in Mexico (and throughout the world). You can join here

I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week! God bless you!


Elder Davies

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