Monday, April 6, 2015

Week 21 - The Church Is True!

He wrote someone a private message here - But Dad edited for him HAHA!
Hey all you wonderful people!

How are you?? So there is just so much going on right now I just don't even know where to start!

My companion and I are getting to know the area a lot better now. We kinda get it and we can make our way around so that`s super great! I actually really really like this area. There are like 5 different colonies which are like...I guess you could say neighborhoods but they are super big! There´s a couple that are just super fun! The one I really like has little alleys between all the buildings and there are tons of bushes and grass and flowers and it is really pretty beautiful I really like that! On the east side of area there is a giant Canal full of the most disgusting water I've ever seen, it makes me want to drink the water out of the Mississippi river if that gives you any perspective of how gross it is. I have seen open sewer just flowing into it. It is pretty big, the bridge that goes over it is like a few hundred feet and like 50 feet up, and because part of our area is across the Canal I get the great pleasure of crossing once a day or so! Haha its pretty great.

Dad: I found this on the internet of a canal in Mexico City. Yuck!
So when we got here because we were opening the area we had NOTHING and new NO ONE so the first few days were pretty crazy! We took the area book which had investigators registered from 2010 and had like NEVER been cleaned, and wrote down the name and address of EVERY person who had ever talked to the missionaries and we just started contacting them all like crazy. The missionaries were not good at leaving very clear directions, we get a lot of blue house on this street, and the street is 10 miles wide but its a good excuse to knock on every door that's a blue house and contact them so hey, not that bad. We have really only found like 5 of the old investigators, and they are pretty nice. The one I think we will have the best chance of teaching is Mario Diaz. He is an older gentlemen and he has kids in Arizona and his wife was there visiting and hurt her knee, so shes been there for a few months.

Haha funny story this random lady contacted us in the street and was like I used to be a Mormon! I got baptized! And then she said she loved the day when we all got to go in front of everyone and tell all about our problems and I almost started laughing when I realized she was talking about Testimony meeting hahaha.

General Conference was SOO awesome! I felt the Spirit SO strong during the whole thing! One thing I did miss though was the voices of the prophet and apostles. I have grown to know and love their voices and it was a little sad to only get to hear their words, but still very good! (Note from Dad: He is referring to the Spanish Translation that talks over their actual voices) I'm gonna download the talks and start listening to them so I can learn even more, I'm excited about that!

I encourage all of you to take the time to listen to these talks. Even if you watched all of conference, listen to them all again. A lot of times the inspiration we need comes after when we get the chance to study each individual talk with time to ponder and pray about the things taught in them.

I know these men really are called of God and this really is his church. I had a very strong affirmation by the Holy Ghost when President Monson was addressing us that he IS a prophet of God and that we are in the Church that Jesus Christ has established. I invite you all to search for a divine witness of this thing for yourselves!

I love you and take care! Thanks for all the love and support and I can sure feel the prayers!

Elder Davies

A picture of his new apartment - Cement floor.
He also says they have to use a bucket of water to flush the toilet :)

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