Read that on Christmas and be happy about it :) Christmas time really is
the best time! It even is starting to feel like Christmas in Mexico! I
don't care what anyone says, I'm listening to Christmas music until I
get my Christmas packages, even if its till February or March!
This week was pretty awesome! I got sick again, this time with a throat
infection and subsequent fever so I was in bed for a couple days, that
was pretty terrible. Wow when I write it like that it doesn't sound that
bad...haha well really it was pretty awful but I learned a lot! On
Thursday I was getting really sick and the fever was kicking in and
towards the end of the day it was all I could do to put one leg in front
of the other, but I made it and the last lesson we had was super great
so totally worth it! We are preparing Alma and her son Omar to be
baptized on Dec 28th, next Sunday! Hopefully all goes well there!
So on Saturday we went to the Visitors' Center with Alma and Omar and
some members, and on the way back my Companion and I stood up in front
of the bus and told everyone about Jesus Christ and gave everyone a
Dadiva card! (Greg: "Dadiva" means a gift or in this case the new LDS Christmas pass along card "He is the Gift" or "El es la Dadiva" See here) We actually forgot to give one to the bus driver and he
asked for one so that was pretty cool! The members with us took a
picture right after so that will be attached!
I bought myself two presents for Christmas. One was a calculator
(because I'm a nerd and I'm always doing math), and the other is a surprise and I'm not gonna say what it was, you'll just have to look at
the picture attached. Okay it was Piano. I couldn't hold that in. I need
to learn to play so I'm starting get going!
Oh while at the Centro para Visitantes (Greg: Temple Visitor Center) I got introduced to a random guy
who turned out to be in the Presidency of the Area 70 here, so that was
On Friday we went to another area in our zone where they have a giant
market and sang hymns and contacted like crazy! We got lots of referrals
and we are planning the same thing in our area this week, so hopefully
all goes well! That was super cool.
My companion told President I can sing so now I'm singing in all the
Christmas Parties (we have 3 in the mission for different groups). I did
one today and have on Tuesday and Wednesday. I sang Oh Holy Night and
it was pretty fun! I was really worried with how sick I've been but it
turned out okay so I was happy!
Okay now I'm going to answer some questions I get asked like all the time!
Bucket showers, real thing. You don't actually use the bucket though,
you just fill it up whenever you have water, then the morning you want
to shower you boil some, pour it in the bucket, then use a smaller dish
to scoop the water out of the bucket. Good fun, really.
(Greg: See PBS Documentary - Mexico City Faces Water Crisis)
The houses are like sometimes 20 houses here (Greg: I think he means they are divided up into households? Or the address is a block of houses or "Manzana"), so that's fun. They are
split up based on Streets then Manzanas (which also means Apples) and then
Lots. So an address might be This street, Manzana 20, Lt 4. But most the
time they aren't in order so it's an adventure finding houses.
There literally are dogs with dread locks EVERYWHERE. That is not a joke.
(Greg: It is estimated that from 500,000 to 3 million stray dogs roam the streets of Mexico City! City officials catch and euthanize apx 20,000 stray dogs EACH MONTH! )
The temple is in my mission, but not in my area. It's about a 20-30 minute trip to the temple!
We have some good progressing investigators! Please pray for Alma, Omar,
Margarita, Daniel, Lluvia, Janete, and Martha! I love sharing the
Gospel here and was sad not to get to work a full week! Merry Christmas
everyone! And remember, it's not about the PiƱatas!
Elder Davies
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